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Master plan methodology for gas industry development
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1 198 р.

Master plan methodology for gas industry development

Автор: Roman O. Samsonov, Alexander S. Kazak, Vladimir N. Bashkin
ISBN: 978-589-176-464-4
Год издания: 2007
Формат книги: 70х100/16
Кол-во страниц: 304
Издательство: Научный мир
Тип обложки: Переплёт
Вес: 655 гр.


This book aims at helping people from gas society and policy to create the relevant national master plans for gas industry development in short-, mid- and long-term perspective. Both editors and authors are working for Gazprom Company. Most of them have been and are involved into creative process of master plan development for the Russian gas industry and have gained vast experience in methodology application and successful implementation of various scenarios of gas systems development in national and international scale.
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